In this session, after the screening of Mr. Arefi's film, Dr. Shad, the academic and teaching deputy of Gohar University, and the professor of the Faculty of Law and Political Science emphasized the importance of adding extracurricular programs that would encourage students to develop a better and greater interest in acquiring knowledge and expertise in their field. They pointed out that this film showed that one should refrain from judging based on emotions and instead make decisions based on sufficient evidence and proof. Furthermore, they stated that this film demonstrated that simply studying the subject is not enough to become a lawyer or judge; one must also possess the artistry required for these tasks.
In the continuation of the discussion, Professor Erfan, as the second speaker, began his speech by stating that this film had several messages. Firstly, it introduced students to the power of juries and how they can shape destinies in some countries. Secondly, he mentioned the film's initial perspective, which started from top to bottom and ended from bottom to top. He then referred to the evidence and documents presented in the film and added that the last man who agreed to innocence was subjected to a form of sadism, emphasizing that emotions and biases should not influence judgments. He further emphasized the crucial role of forensic medicine in such trials. Referring to certain parts of the film, he mentioned that there were no traces or evidence of a crime committed with a knife supposedly used for murder. Another message he conveyed about the film was that it was a kind of protest against the American judicial system at that time. Additionally, as "12 Angry Men" depicted, it showed that not only women but also men can be influenced by emotions and ethics in their judgments, leading them astray. The event concluded with remarks from Professor Abdolmajid Majidi, the financial administrative deputy of the university, who recommended watching this film repeatedly.