
The faculty of Economics and Management, along with the establishment of GIHE, was founded in August 2010 from the beginning it is working on different program under to management and economic department. It aims to train a professional and committed labor force to undertake the managerial responsibilities in our society and tries to establish its academic program in the global level standards and by using most effective methods help the student in their career opportunities. Achieving this aim the faculty recruits lecturers who are graduated from different countries across the world and reform the curriculum of both departments annually to fulfill the contemporary needs of market.


The Faculty of Economics and Management, in pursuit of community-based knowledge-building and promotion of the scientific community, pursues the following objectives

  1. Training professional and committed force for taking the responsibilities of economic managerial in the society.
  2. Assistance in research and development in general and specialized economic aspects  3.     Training of skilled forces in the field of economic analysis; Training economic and management experts in statistical calculation, analyzing of market, analyzing and evaluation of companies activities from economic perspectives.
  3. Expert training in the field of microeconomic and macroeconomic theory and economic issues of the international system as well as issues of economic development;
  4. The training of highly qualified and efficient forces in the fields of e-commerce, marketing and banking
  5. Comprehension with the basic duties of business organizations, increasing the skills and abilities of students in understanding management-related issues, collecting and analyzing information about each of these issues, evaluating different solutions to each issue and decision Making and implementing decisions;
  6. Training lecturers in the field of economic and business administration


Department of Economic management launched since the establishment of Gawharshad Institute of Higher Education in 2010. After sometimes as the demand increased for business administration in the society, department of business administration was established and started. Currently faculty of economic and management have two active departments of Economic Management and Business Administration.

Department of Economic management:

This department consist of 143 credits provide its students bachelor degree and support them with understanding of micro economic, Marco economic, Accounting principles, Human Recourse management, organizational behavior and marketing with following three categories of subjects.

  • General subjects (12%)
  • Main Subjects (30%)
  • Core Subjects (50%)

Students graduate with a bachelor’s degree after defending their thesis, which is counted as 8 credits in the field of economic management.

Department of Business Administration:

This department with having 141 credits provides the students with practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of business administration. The subject’s structure in this department is as follow:

  • General Subjects (12%)
  • Main Subjects (30%)
  • Core Subjects (50%)

All students are required to write a thesis and after they are eligible to qualify for a bachelor’s degree.

Message from the Dean

Under the overall framework of Gawharshad Institute of Higher Education, the faculty of Economics and Management is established to work for a positive change. Our goal is to provide quality educational services for our compatriots through adopting effective strategies. We believe that recruiting professional faculty members, holding an up-to-date and standardized curriculum, and implementing extracurricular programs can help us achieve our goal.

During its lifespan, this faculty could recruit experienced faculty members, update its curriculum, and attract students from 34 provinces of Afghanistan and work every day better than past. Over future programs will be also based on these principles and try to expand our activities to tackle the real and immediate needs of students and work on to solve them.

Ali Akbar Naseri

Introduction of Faculty Member

Faculty Members

The faculty has experienced faculty members. All members of the board have a doctorate or master degree from countries such as America, Japan, India, Iran, and others. Faculty members are familiar and having great skills of teaching methods. Some of them also have experience in teaching in the countries that have been studied.

Faculty Staffs

Staff of the Faculty of Economics and Management


Last Name:Rostayee
Education level: Bachelor

Designation: Student Manager

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact:   0786869717

Name: Mohammad

Last Name: Lali
Education level: Bachelor

Designation: Teacher Manager

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact: +93 (0) 790630360

Contact us

Phone: 0785523763

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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