Gawharshad University Writing Center was officially opened on August 27, 2011. The first course of this center was warmly welcomed by the students of Gawharshad University and other universities, and a large number of students, especially female students, registered to participate in this course and completed this course by receiving a valid certificate. Fortunately, in 2022, two The course was successfully held in this center with the attendance of 60 students.

Course content:

The content of the course was divided into three stages, each stage was guided by one of the professors:

  1. The first stage in two sessions includes the following topics:
  • First session: Writing plan:
  • Issue.
  • Foreword
  • Body
  • Result.
  • The second session: development of the topic.
  1. The second stage in two sessions includes the following subjects:
  • First session: objective writings.
  • Second session: mental writings.
  1. The third stage in four sessions includes the following topics:
  • First session: Essay writing:
  • Title.
  • Summary.
  • key word
  • Second session: Essay writing:
  • Foreword
  • Body
  • Result.
  • References.
  • The third and fourth session: Editing and spelling.
  • The courses held in 2022 were held under the guidance of Abdul Majid Majidi, Mohammad Ali Ekhlasi and Dr. Sayeed Mohammad Taghi Hosseini.

Course design:

The mentioned courses were held in two practical and theoretical parts. This division helps the participants to gain information about the theoretical topics and acquire practical skills under the supervision of the respective professors.


In 2022, two courses were held at the Gawharshad University writing center,

which contained 60 participants. Considering the current situation in Afghanistan, where we were not allowed to hold mixed classes, the  

courses were held for female students.


Students' feedback

Students' feedback that was taken during the course, shows that they had

never received training on writing skills either during school or university. The participants found the writing skills to be effective in learning and asked the tutors for other courses where they can learn the skills of writing scientific articles


The writing center's tutor’s feedback is also positive. They mentioned this opportunity as a new experience and believe that not only their training has been very useful, but applying these skills practically in the courses as tutors have also brought them new experiences.


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