The Linda Norgrove Foundation (LNF) offers its 2020 Scholarships for Afghan Young Women to study their higher education at Gawharshad University.

Organization Background:

The Linda Norgrove Foundation (LNF) is a grant-giving trust that funds education, health, and childcare for women and children affected by the war in Afghanistan.

The Trust was set up in memory of Scottish aid worker Linda Norgrove, who was devoted to ensuring that the people of Afghanistan would achieve prosperity and stability as their country was rebuilt. She was completely committed to her development work, and she loved Afghanistan and its people. Linda was kidnapped and subsequently died during a failed rescue attempt in Afghanistan in October 2010. Linda’s parents and four other trustees currently run the Foundation.  For more information about the organization, please visit our website

Scholarship Background:

Scholarships provided for twelve eligible and hard-working female students who are in need of external financial support. LNF pays university tuition fees until the graduation of the student.

Requirements and Eligibility:

  1. The applicant should have their High school diploma while applying for the grant.
  2. The scholarship is applicable only for applicants who are applying at Gawharshad University in Kabul and majoring in one of the following fields:
  • Law
  • Economics
  • Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Political Science
  1. The applicants’ school average grade should be above 80%.
  2. Applicants should download and submit the LNF Application form for the Gawharshad Scholarship along with two essays, both having a length not exceeding 1 page, in either Dari or English:
  • The first essay should be the detail of you being passionate about majoring in your chosen field and reasons for your inspiration to choose this field.
  • The second essay should include an explanation of your financial situation and a demonstration of why you need the scholarship to study at the university.
  • Those students who are already enrolled in the university should explain in their essay about their source of funding up until now.

How to Apply:

Applicants are required to submit the LNF Gawharshad Scholarship application, which includes all the details of the applicant and the essays mentioned above.  All applicants are required to submit their High School Transcript and Diploma. Students who are already enrolled need to submit a copy of their grade report of previous semesters provided by the university.  Applicants should merge all the required documents into one PDF file and send it to

Do not apply to LNF direct via their website, as these emails will be ignored.

Submission email:

Application Form:

You can download the application form for the scholarship from Scholarship for Afghanistan website from the link/attachment below.

__Application Form__


The deadline for application is 13 August 2020

For further information, please contact us on + 93 (0) 0794859532


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